CLSV Stey-Nevant
Branch Library
Library service in the City of Sharon began in 1903 as a privilege enjoyed only by those with paid membership in the F. H. Buhl Club. In the early 1920s, community leaders recognized the need for every person to secure free access to desired books. A referendum was held in the fall of 1922 and the electorate approved a levy of one-half mill for the support of a public library. The Sharon Free Public Library formally opened on February 1, 1923.
Response to the free library was enthusiastic, with nearly 2,000 new registrations in the first year. Usage continued to grow over the years, and children's branches were opened at 5 local elementary schools. The main library continued to be housed in the Buhl Club, a beautiful facility which unfortunately could not accommodate indefinitely the growing collection and expanded services. By the late 1960s, overcrowding forced the library to find a new home. With a combination of federal, city and private funding the present library was constructed on Sharpsville Avenue.
The Library continues to be a vital community resource. In 1993, the City of Hermitage joined Sharon in funding the Library. In the spring of 2007, the library became a private non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors.
In April of 2015, the City of Farrell sought the assistance of the Community Library of the Shenango Valley (CLSV) to operate the Stey-Nevant Public Library on its behalf. After extended discussions, the Board of Directors of CLSV unanimously agreed, and after a process of several months, Stey-Nevant became a branch of CLSV on January 1st of 2016.